Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Am Back - Hopefully More Blog Posts On The Giant

I got a few emails from my reader asking me why I haven't been blogging for quite some times. I do ask myself the same questions many times over and I guess I know very well why.

I guess that no excuse but looking back I know I have procastinated because I always think I will get to it later. Later as in when I get back to my car I will be able to complete my post so I'll work on it later. It drag on and eventually I have a vacuum period of few months without any posts.
In fact it is almost 4 months since I last posted.
I was on assignment to the kiasu land for six months so I left my giant at home. While I was there I constantly thought of writing something about the giant. However since I was without my car I just can't seems to complete my writing everytime I started. The reason being I always like to confirm my writing by showing the features/functions of the giant or I like to take a photo shoot of the subject that I am writing about. However since I was away i couldn't do this so I thought I postpone it until I get back to my giant.
Even the few times when I came back to town, there are many other things that took my attention away that I didn't manage to look at my giant and completed the posts. So it just keep dragging on this way until now I am finally back for good.
From the various comments I recently I also needs to review some of my posts to see how I can improve on them. One questions I keep getting query on is the door lock programming. I have been forwarding the same reply I sent to one of my reader to a few others that asking about the samething. I'll have to review that blog post to see if I can make it clearer and hopefully the readers will get a better understanding on how to do it properly.
I will work on my blog posts more often again.


  1. good blog bro..keep writing on our giant...i just have it 1 month ago...n still novice...searching through search engine and found ur blog...help me much on what i should do to my new pets...

  2. Hi Zack,

    Good to know that you have found your giant. It really depends on what you plan to do with you new pet. There are many parts and accessories for the giant available out there. Maybe you state what you wish then I can help to suggest something.


  3. hi mr chan, actually few days ago i have installed screen roof monitor, however, after finish installation the accessory taukeh said my head unit dont have output for the viewing at roof monitor.therefore, my kids can't watch through the roof monitor. accept for the 2 option
    1.modify the head unit cost RM350
    2.installed another DVD player in the box in between of front seater. cost RM380 (with china/taiwan brand new player)

    therefore, after made opportunity cost i found that make option 2 by buying new DVD player and i got it near my office. and after kaw-tim he gave me RM300 includes installation...

  4. Hi Zack,

    Hmm, the taukeh should check you head unit first before he even offer to install the roof monitor. I am not sure which model is your giant but I guess you are probably driving a PFL model.

    Definitely option 2 is the way to go for you since it suits your kids needs. Now they can enjoy their videos while on the go.

